Doctor Saab… go to those high-rise buildings… “Saheb logo ka Ghar… those rich men… their crackers make much more sound…”
I will request them too…please!
Okay… we are moving to a distance.
And the doctor came back to his chamber and called Mr. Agarwal, the secretary of the owner’s association of the high-rise buildings in front of the nursing home.
Mr. Agarwal sir, please… if you can’t stop this sound, at least reduce the frequency.
Doctor, my man… it’s Diwali Celebration. Nobody will stop. I can request but don’t know the result.
At 11 the dead body of the teacher was brought to the Shamshan Ghat. The employee at the Ghat was typing the name, cause of death.
Suddenly he stopped and said Oh man… what’s this?
The son of the teacher asked What?… Now what?
How did your father die?
A heart attack… why?
My, my… here it is written something else… see…
And it was written there…
Cause of death: Diwali Celebrations!