
Your Child’s Nine Intelligences

Dr. Gardner identified the 7 intelligences but later 2 more intelligences added into the list by other psychologists. So, the 9 types of intelligences are:

  1. Linguistic Intelligence: Children having linguistic intelligence are also known as “WORD SMART”. They are good in reading and focuses in school. These kids also have extensive vocabulary. Their favorite subjects are language and social studies. They can easily learn foreign language. They can write poems, stories etc. They can even communicate very well.
  2. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: These children love numbers. That is why, they are also called as “NUMBER SMART”. They are curious about how things work. Their favorite subject is mathematics. They like to play games which has logic and strategies. Chess, Brain Teasers, Logical Puzzles, Checkers are some of their most favorite games.
  3. Spatial Intelligence: Kids with this kind of intelligence tend to think in pictures. That is why they are called as “PICTURE SMART”. These kids are artists and have drawing, painting, or sculpting as their favorite subjects. They represent their moods and feelings through arts. They are good in reading diagrams and maps. They generally enjoy solving jigsaw and puzzles. They often experience and express through imagining, day dreaming and pretending.
  4. Musical Intelligence: Children with this kind of intelligence are sensitive to sounds and music. That is why they are also known as “MUSIC SMART”. They often sing, hum, or whistle while doing other activities. They love to listen music and like to play musical instruments. They can make their own rhythms and songs. Many people don’t recognize the music smartness as talent but often treated as a behavior problem.
  5. Bodily-Kinesthetic: Kids with this kind of intelligence process information through the sensations they feel in their bodies, this is the reason they are called as “BODY SMART”. These kids enjoy physical activities and all kind of sports because they are good at both small and large muscle skills. Physical education is their favorite subject. They like to communicate information by modelling and demonstration. They can be good dancers as well.
  6. Interpersonal Intelligence: Kids having interpersonal intelligence enjoys being social and they have many friends. That is why they are best known as “PEOPLE SMART”. They are reluctant to do anything alone. They enjoy working in groups. These kids learn while interacting and collaborating. They often work as mediators during disputes whether in school or at home.
  7. Intrapersonal Intelligence: Kids having this kind of intelligence have deep awareness of their feelings. That is why they are often called as “SELF SMART”. These kids understand themselves, their abilities, and options. They are independent and self-directed. Their self-confidence is high and enjoy working alone on their own projects.Now the next 2 intelligences, are not found by Dr. Howard Gardner but meets his criteria.
  8. Naturalistic Intelligence: Kids having Naturalistic intelligence are also called as “NATURE SMART”. They like to be with nature and appreciate natural surroundings. They can recognize and discriminate among flora and fauna, and other things in the world. Science specially biology, geology, geography, and astronomy are their favorite subjects.
  9. Existential Intelligence: Children having existential intelligence likes thinking and questions the way things are. They like to find answers about life and death. They can be spiritual in nature. They show philosophical awareness beyond their years. That is why they are also known as “PHILOSOPHICALLY SMART”.

Now, I know after going through all these intelligences, your mind wants to know “What kind of intelligence/smartness your child has?” To know the answer, kindly follow the quiz below:


Written by Renu Goyal

A Child Psychologist, founder of KIDicious – Learning Differently, a child psychological therapy clinic based in Delhi. Have written various articles relating to Child Psychology in magazines like Meri Saheli, Responsible parenting, Psyinsight etc. Presented many papers in national and international conferences.


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