
Conscious Parenting

Taking into account a brief explanation of the Erik Erikson’s stages of psycho-social development

During the first stage of this development that is, Trust Vs. Mistrust (0 to 1 year), the child should be given proper attention, love and care so that he/she develops a sense of trust and can further help him/her in forming stout relationships in the later stages of life.

Autonomy Vs Shame and Doubt (18 months to 3 years approx.) – In this second stage of psycho-social development the child should be given independence of trying to crawl or walk so that the child explores himself and his surroundings as well.

Initiative vs. Guilt – In the third stage of psycho-social development the child begins to explore hos interpersonal skills by taking up activities requiring planning, learning new skills such as dancing singing, writing, playing a new sport etc. This will enhance the cognitive skills and fluid intelligence of the child if the child is inspired to expand his wings.

Industry vs. Inferiority (5-12 years approx.) – In this stage as the child tries to work hard and achieve his academic and extra-curricular goals his performance should never be compared to that of his peers etc. instead his accomplishments should be motivated.

Likewise, in all the stages of psycho-social development which are eight in number as per Erikson’s theory the child should be motivated.

In upbringing our children an egalitarian perspective should be of paramount importance in a parenting style. Irrespective of the culture the parents were born in the, children (any gender) should be given equal rights to grow and prove themselves so that they become self-actualized beings.

Let the children of today spread their wings of happiness and fulfillment as they are the thin lining of the cloud, the ray of which would give hope to the present generation and a leave a legacy behind for the future generation.


Written by Hansa Parashar

A Psychology Teacher in a reputed school in Delhi possessing Masters degree in Psychology (Organizational Behavior) and MBA (HR). Have more than 3 years of experience in teaching.

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