
Conscious Parenting

Conscious Parenting

Parenting is a creative expression of one’s own upbringing. It is a subtle manifestation of one’s character, personality traits and the knowledge one has gained through his/her experiences, indoctrination.

Today in this world of rat race where everyone seems to run out of time the need for Conscious Parenting has become strikingly high. Parents should involve themselves actively in the overall development of their child. By spending quality time with their offspring through playing games, helping them in getting ready for school or any extra-curricular activities, knowing about their everyday well-being can do wonders for the social, cognitive development of the child.


Our Children are the reflections of our childhood
Shadowing their growth won’t do any good
Help your child in raising their bar
As you have always walked with them to reach this far
Give them their space
Without showing any wrinkle on your face
As they follow your footsteps
To scintillate as your aura
In this competitive world.

Parenting styles

Parenting styles are the distinct ways or methods that the parents apply on their youngsters in order to achieve the desired behavioral, cognitive development, emotional and moral development.

The parenting style being adopted by the parents must focus on enhancing the self-esteem and internal locus of control in their child. Self-esteem is the self-worth or the perceived ranking that a person holds for himself or herself in terms of societal standards.

By the age of seven a child can gauge his self-esteem in terms of his academic achievement, physical appearance, social relationships etc. to a limited extent.

Through encouraging your child in even the smallest of their decisions by rewarding them (praising, recognizing their efforts, bringing out the positive lessons even in the adverse situations that the child faces), unconditional positive regard provides an immense confidence and fighting spirit that is incomparable to any other comfort.


Written by Hansa Parashar

A Psychology Teacher in a reputed school in Delhi possessing Masters degree in Psychology (Organizational Behavior) and MBA (HR). Have more than 3 years of experience in teaching.

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