
How the relationship between parents affects children’s growth

How the relationship between parents affects children's growth » Parenting Recipes

Conflicts and disagreements are a part and parcel of a healthy relationship, but these conflicts which are beyond limits can affect a child’s mental behavior, and also their growth and development. Raised voices, verbal insults, physical aggression or even the silent treatment given to each other by the parents also add to the mental agony.

As per studies, children as young as six months can sense the conflict and distress in the atmosphere, and start to fear, become anxious and start crying.

Children may undergo several behavioral and psychological changes, here we explain few changes which can be expected in a child with a high parent conflict family:

  • The physiological changes which occurs in the body due to stress can lead to slow brain development.
  • The stress produced in the child causes decreased attention and poor cognitive performance
  • Poor interpersonal skills
  • Decreased problem-solving capacity
  • Behavioral problems, the children become aggressive, lack confidence in relationships.
  • Physical effects such as lack of sleep, headaches, etc are also common. They even become anorexic
  • Low self-esteem and negative thoughts about one-self makes them more prone to social withdrawal
  • Poor academic performance and in the worst scenarios students even drop from their studies
  • Adolescents are worst affected as they easily fell prey to bad habits, and become addicted to substance abuse, smoking, drinking, etc.
  • The child prefers to stay away from parents as soon as, they see them coming
  • Develop signs of depression
  • Few children become quiet and talk insecurely

Gaurav Goyal Expert

Written by Gaurav Goyal

A blogger and a father of 2 beautiful kids!

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