
Pleasures of Kids in Family and Togetherness

A voice as loud full of warmth and merriment, inviting everybody to the scrumptious food, and all swooned towards the table, restless to start gobbling. After the yummylicious mid-day meal, the elders were all exhausted and went off to their rooms for rest and to get up with all freshness and be energetic.

Kids running out of energy are mere chances, they were now dual strengthened and started off with their rackets forming a doubles team. In the evening time, all folks got together in the garden area relishing the tea and snacks and a small puppet show which was arranged by the cook, as one of his good friends was into organizing puppet shows.

The starry night was framed with puppets, happy faces and serenity all around. Time kept passing and flying until a week’s time with everyday something or the other amusing happening, the kiddos were so filled, engrossed and complete with each other’s company as though they didn’t need anything and anybody else.

With the passage of a week’s duration, it was time now for all the families to depart and go to their respective destinations. Before departure, for the last time they were all sitting in the living area sipping in hot beverage, and collecting the fine moments, they spent along.

These moments were more precious and treasured than any destination plans, the love preciousness and bond couldn’t have been found in any. Such kinship and solidarity is immensely important which nurtures our kids with important ethics, conducts and togetherness of life flowing down from grandparents, parental and siblings.

To break down such nuclearity at times and loop into the bond of togetherness, initiation must come together off and on from our ends, be it during holidaying or times suitable for all of us.

It wraps us with feeling of happiness, joy, and blessedness, synchronizing us into a harmonious state of life.

Next morning we departed to our respective destinations immensely energized with vigor and freshness, and a spark of treasure with bountiful memories.


Written by Preeti Jalan

A Homemaker and have remained as an active member in Social organization OF LC INDIA.

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