
7 Positive Statements that will help your child during Exam Times


One of the worst nightmares of childhood is exams. It adds stress and anxiety in children resulting in poor performance. Constant criticism to perform better can develop low-esteem and loss of confidence. Parents should help children in believing themselves and motivate them to work harder.

Words of encouragement boost a child’s confidence and improve interest in performing well in the exam. Your child may struggle to learn particular topics, try to be with the child and inspire him to put the extra effort required to get through the task. There can be days when your child is struggling to cope-up with studies and have had a bad day, divert the child’s attention on positive things and provide assurance of your attention and care. Here are few statements for parents to encourage child during examinations

 1.   Nothing is impossible: Positive words are always a source of encouragement. Prepare the child to take up the task and assure him that he has all the required capacity and capability to complete it. 

2.   Practice makes the man perfect: It is not possible to solve a problem in just one go, it requires lots of practice to keep the formulas on the fingertips and solve the problems Only regular practice helps in developing skills and memorization.

3.   I am happy that you have completed today’s target: Set a definite study timetable before the exam and make it mandatory for the student to follow. The time table should be designed considering the child’s daily activities and capacity to learn. Achievement of daily targets 

4.   You have improved in your studies: Improvement in the form of good comments from the teachers, better marks, sticking to the timetable, etc., must be acknowledged. This indicates the child that he or she is being monitored and efforts to perform better are being recognized.

5.   Keep up the good work: when a child completes a chapter to practices one problem, appreciate him to continue the learning process.

6.   Mistakes are proof of your efforts: Do not ever criticize your child for making mistakes. Appreciate him for putting efforts to learn and practice

7.   Your hard work will be paid-off: Encourage your child to work hard, show him the positive side about success, appreciation and good marks. 

Gaurav Goyal Expert

Written by Gaurav Goyal

A blogger and a father of 2 beautiful kids!

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