
A Heaven’s Cry

Before he sighed his last, he told me…he said…I’m sure I’ll become the light, the light which will show the right path to our child.
I was sleeping then…why didn’t you wake me up Mom?

Your dad asked not to…and he said…whatever my boy will do, wherever he stays, I’ll be there always with him.
And I can’t see him…isn’t it?

Why dear, you can always see him when you close your eyes. Think of him and he is there. See…I can find him everywhere.

Whenever I face a problem, I think what your father would have done, if he had to face this problem? And I know his process, I just apply it and the problem is over.
True, but he is not present.

So what, I’m present with him…right? I always think, not with a grief but with joy…yes whenever I think of him, I become joyous. And you are grief stricken, my child.

Well mom… No, no… everything of him was joyous. I can feel him whenever I think of him. Did you ever try that?

Then? Your dad is everywhere around us…feel him. You can’t touch him, but you can touch me. I also can’t touch him, but can feel him, feel his presence everywhere.

Rajib Goswami Enthusiast

Written by Rajib Goswami

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