
Our Wonderful Mother!!!


Dear Mother Dear Mother!
Look here Look here!
I am calling from within you!
Look down to your womb, I am the little You!!

From the bottom of my heart, do I want to thank you!
For instilling in me, the goodness of you!
Through your pure vision, I have viewed Divinity!
The spirituality that you watched, visioned in my eyes too!
The Bhajans of lord you heard, felt in my ears too!
All these whilst whatever you did, the reflection felt on me too!!

The goodies and richness of food you chewed!
Filled every nerves and bones of mine with strength too!
The hydration and nourishment you gave to self you Mom!
Has nourished in every cells of mine too!!

The positivity you surrounded yourself with Mom!
Despite every stressful state, the calmness that you kept yourself poised with Mom!
Has instilled in every me too!
When I come out you will be overwhelmed to see me the little you!
Not aggravated, but chirpiest best with calm and poise true!!

I thank you Mom!
Hadn’t you taken, the best care of yourself!
I wouldn’t have been the perfect little you!
I am glad the deformities, the negativities were away from me!
And I am the healthy me today!!

You have done your best part Mom!
Now be ready to welcome the little you!
I am all geared up and healthy to come out the reflection of little you Mom!
And hold by your finger side, like the Moon and the shadow come!!


Written by Preeti Jalan

A Homemaker and have remained as an active member in Social organization OF LC INDIA.

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Parenting and its Challenges – Then & Now