
How to prevent your child from gaming addiction like Pub-G?

mobile addiction - Parenting Recipes
mobile addiction

The generation gap seems to become wider with time. You don’t find children happy to go out and play, instead, they prefer staying indoors and playing online games. Parents have to face a child’s wrath for snatching mobile phones or gadgets. Children start to develop a feeling of hatred. The addiction to such games takes a toll on the physical and mental health of the child. Although children find it interesting and difficult to resist from playing, it is the responsibility of the parents to be vigilant and responsible for their day-to-day activities. Here we present you tips which can help in preventing game addiction including PUBG

Avoid using Phones: Parents give mobile phones to children to keep them occupied and for the thought, they are at home only. This phase is the start of the addiction process and mobile phones should never be used as a tool for distraction.

Parent-child relationship: Develop a strong bonding with your child. For a child’s well-being both physical and mental, it is important to have some outdoor physical activity. Children enjoy the thrill of clearing different stages of the game. The raising adrenaline increases the lust to play more and more and more parent’s insistence to stop will only aggravate the situation. Deleting the game will only enforce children to look for alternative ways to install it. Develop a strong bonding with the child to discuss the adverse impacts of gaming addiction.

Keep the child engaged: As long as the child is occupied with activities, he or she will not find time to think about other activities. A freely available child will look for things to get busy and spend time. A child will be interested to go out and do some physical activity only when games or sports of interest are available. Try to create an atmosphere that promotes going out of the boundary walls.

Be calm: Don’t shout at your child for not giving-up the gaming addiction. This creates a negative stressful atmosphere. Children do not like criticism and may turn aggressive, it is important to discuss with your child with utmost patience and should make the child understand the negative impacts of gaming addiction on health, low grades at school, social withdrawal, no outdoor games, etc.

Playing games should be allowed and is safe as long as it is in limits. Playing 1 or 2 hours is acceptable provided the other commitments of the day are not affected. Let your child be its decision-maker. You make the rules and a definite timetable to follow. It will be the responsibility of the child to follow the rules. Parents will be role models for their children, hence first it is the duty and responsibility of the parents to stay away from the gadgets and set a positive example.

Gaurav Goyal Expert

Written by Gaurav Goyal

A blogger and a father of 2 beautiful kids!

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