
5 study-smart habits

step up reading

Most of a child’s life goes into studying and scoring better. The greed to score better and better is never-ending for parents. Spending hours in studying to get score will be very tiring and will be a burden for the students. A student spending long hour with books does not mean that he understands the subject or is good at studies. The study sessions should be power sessions of optimum duration where child concentrates and studies and then give relaxation time. Knowledge gain and time need not necessarily be proportional. The best way to learn is through smart study habits. This saves time, increases memory power and confidence to face the exam with confidence.

  • Study Space: Every individual’s capacity is different, and the environment required to concentrate is different. Hence, depending upon the child, a study space should be allotted. Space should not cause any disturbance due to TV, guests or other siblings. A table and a chair with the books rack will create the study environment. The study space should be well ventilated and have sufficient light. A dark gloomy place makes the child sleepy.
  • Time Table: Make an executable time table on an attractive sheet and place it on your table. The timetable should give repeated reminders about the things to be accomplished on the day. All subjects and topics should be given sufficient time. The topics in which students find it difficult to understand and memorize should be given more time. The scheduled timetable should include playtime and physical activity.
  • Understand the topic: There is no point in reading the same topic just to memorize it without understanding the meaning and the concept. The same question and the variant of question cannot be answered unless the concept is clear to the student. A student should put the effort into understanding the topic.
  • Study Tools: The student can highlight the important points from the textbook for easy revision and memory. Scribbling in your own words, drawing a flow chart are also effective tools. A dedicated wall for pasting and writing things to remember, flashcards, etc., are memorable reminders to get attention and memorization
  • No, All-Nighters: It is a strict no-no, if the night is spent in learning and revising the study syllabus, the child will be tired both mentally and physically to attend classes or exams. Children should not become night owls to study. Adequate rest is equally important to be active and alert.

Gaurav Goyal Expert

Written by Gaurav Goyal

A blogger and a father of 2 beautiful kids!

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