
Single parenting challenges

single parenting

Every parent wants to give their children a healthy and happy childhood which the children can cherish throughout life. Being a single parent is not by choice but by fate. A single parent faces lots of challenges to raise a child in the form of financial challenges, emotional stability, guilt, low self-esteem, etc. Single parents experience a variety of emotions that they find difficult to share.

It is challenging to be a single parent, but one can handle it gracefully with support from family and friends.

Challenges faced by single parents and solution:

  • Firstly, separation from partner whether it is because of divorce, disease or accident itself is tough. A single parent struggles to fill the gap which has occurred due to loss and results in fear and anxiety. Accept the reality and develop the confidence to be a successful parent and guardian
  • The next biggest challenge is to explain the child about the absence of the parent. Let your child know about the partner most simply and understandably without hurting the child’s feelings. Answer all the queries of your child with patience. Assure your child of a happy family.
  • If both the parents are sharing the financial responsibility, it will not be a burden, but if it is to be handled singly then meeting ends will be difficult. Plan your budget and keep a track of the expenses. In a rush to meet the expenses, often single parents forget to give time to their kids. A work-life balance is quite important to relieve your stress and it also develops strong bonding the kids. The kids will have a chance to speak their heart out to the parent.
  • Because of work overload at home and office, most single parents don’t take care of themselves, they often tend to go into depression and lose interest in activities. All the efforts are at providing the family with a better life. A single parent has to give love and attention as both father and mother, which can become very stressful. For you to live a happy life for the child, it is important for you to be happy and content. Develop confidence and surround yourself with people of a positive attitude and live.
  • When you are at work, make sure your kids are in safe hands at daycare or home. Ensure the safety of kids and young teenagers are more subjected to abuse and may even cultivate bad habits.

You are not the only single parent, there are many others as too… Take time to meet other single parents discuss your feelings and thoughts. It will help you in easing many challenges. Try to keep yourself engaged with the regular schedule and do add some recreational activities. Following a definite schedule will cultivate the habit of being organized in children. Take measures to control stress and anxiety. Eat well and take adequate rest to accept challenges and give a fresh start to each day!

Gaurav Goyal Expert

Written by Gaurav Goyal

A blogger and a father of 2 beautiful kids!

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