- Question of
Your child enjoys reading books
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child always like mathematics and science classes and do well in them
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child enjoys drawing, painting and doodling
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child loves being outdoors and enjoy spending free time outside
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child has a pleasant singing voice and I like to sing
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child is a kind of person others come to for advice
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child has some important goals in life that he/she often thinks about
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child love animals and spend a lot of time with them
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child likes English, Social Studies and History better than Mathematics and Science
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child tries to look for patterns and regularities in things, such as every third stair on the staircase has a notch in it
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child likes to figure out how to take apart and put back things together like toys and puzzles
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child is an active person and get bored if can’t move around
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child frequently listens to music and enjoys it very much
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child likes going to parties and social events
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child thinks that he is an independent person
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child enjoys watching nature shows on television like the Discovery Channel and National Geographic
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child is good at using words to get others to change their mind
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child enjoys playing around with a chemistry set and is interested in new discoveries in science
- Yes
- No
- Question of
When your child watches a movie or video, he/she is more interested in what he/she is seeing than hearing
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child thinks he/she is well coordinated
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child can play a musical instrument
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child doesn’t like to argue with people
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child talks to himself/herself sometimes
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your child loves to watch birds or other animals and watches their habits, and is eager to learn more about them
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child is good at Scrabble and other word games
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child believes that almost everything has a logical explanation
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child tells you that when he/she closes eyes, he/she sometimes can see clear images in head that seem real
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child has good skills in one or more sports and learn new sports quickly
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child keeps time to listen to a piece of music
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child enjoys getting other people to work together
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child likes to spend time alone thinking about things that are important to him/her
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child is very good at telling the difference between different kinds of birds, dogs, trees and stuff like that
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child likes to learn new words and know their meanings
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child likes to play games and solve brainteasers that require tactics and strategy
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child is good at reading maps and finding his/her way around unfamiliar places
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child doesn’t like organized team sports as much as individual sports activities, such as tennis, swimming, skiing, golf or ballet
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child knows the tunes and titles of many songs and musical pieces
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child considers himself/herself a leader (and others call him/her that)
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child would rather spend a vacation in a cabin in woods than at a fancy resort
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child enjoys visiting zoo, natural history museums or other places where the world is studied
- Yes
- No
- Question of
It’s easy for your child to memorize things at school
- Yes
- No
- Question of
It is fun for your child to work with numbers and data
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child likes some colors better than others
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child doesn’t mind getting his/her hands dirty from activities like painting, clay, or fixing and building things
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Sometimes you catch your child walking along with a television jingle or a song in my mind
- Yes
- No
- Question of
When your child has a problem, he/she will probably ask a friend for help
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child thinks that he/she knows what he/she is good at and in what he/she is not so good
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child likes being outside whenever possible and feels confident and comfortable there
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child likes to look things up in the dictionary or any encyclopedia
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child likes to ask people questions about how things work or why nature is the way it is
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child sketches or draws when he/she thinks
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Sometimes when your child talks with people, he/she gestures with hands
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child likes to make up his/her own tunes and melodies
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child has at least three close friends
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child has hobbies and interests that he/she prefers to do on his/her own
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child likes camping and hiking
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child likes to talk to friends and family better than watching TV
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child has an easy time understanding new mathematics concepts in school
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child enjoys reading things more when they have lots of pictures and drawings
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child would rather play a sport than watch it
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Often your child keeps time to music by tapping to the beat or humming the tune when he/she is studying or talking on the phone
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child is easy to get to know
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child wants to be self-employed or start his/her own business
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child wants to become a volunteer in an ecological organization to help save nature from further destruction
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child likes to write things like stories, poems and reports
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child likes things better when they are organized, categorized or measured
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child is good at playing Pictionary, doing jigsaw puzzles, and solving mazes
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child likes to “ham it up” in skits, plays, speeches, sports or other types of activities
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child can tell when musical notes are off-key
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child feels comfortable most of the time, even amid a crowd
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child likes to spend time by himself/herself thinking about what he/she values in life
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child likes to dislodge rocks from the ground to discover the living things underneath
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child is really good at describing things in words
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child thinks he/she is good at working with numbers and data
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child is better at remembering faces than names
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child likes working with hands in activities such as sewing, carving, or model-building
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child knows what his/her likes and dislikes are in music
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child is good at making new friends
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child likes to think about things before taking any action
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Your Child has a green thumb and is good at keeping plants alive and healthy
- Yes
- No
in Q&A, Brain Boosters